WHAT inspires women in their cre­at­ive pro­fes­sions?
Find their motiv­a­tion & ideas in 'STORIES'
HOW does nature & nat­ur­al products sur­prise us? Find your INSPiR­A­TiON under 'NATURE'
WHAT is unique about Arts & Crafts? Dis­cov­er more in 'ARTISAN'
WHAT inspires women in their cre­at­ive pro­fes­sions?
Find their motiv­a­tion + ideas in 'STORIES'
WHAT is unique about Arts & Crafts?
Dis­cov­er more in 'ARTISAN'
HOW does nature & nat­ur­al products sur­prise us?
Find your INSPiR­a­tiON under 'NATURE'

The pulse of nature!

How do cre­at­ive pro­cesses arise? For the German product design­er and nature artist Bar­bara Brouwers direct con­tact with nature plays a major role in

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