Frauen Handwerk Natur Interview
Handwerkerin weide keramik goldschmiedin

About the blog:

What arises if you com­bine art and crafts­man­ship? What kind of expert­ise is used by tal­en­ted women who find fas­cin­at­ing ways to create unique arts & craft pieces?  

Under 'STORIES' you can dis­cov­er their art and learn about their dif­fer­ent living and work­ing envir­on­ments. Some women have just taken the first step into self-employ­ment, others talk about their wishes and goals, for which there is no age limit. Be inspired!

How import­ant is work­ing in and with nature and using nat­ur­al mater­i­als? How are unique nat­ur­al products cre­ated?

Under 'NATURE' we dis­cov­er the appre­ci­ation of nat­ur­al mater­i­als, the eco­lo­gic­al aspect and how to exper­i­ence nature with all your senses. These are import­ant aspects for women who not only create inspir­ing products, but also pro­duce valu­able food. Be informed!

How do I become a gold­smith?  Or what is spe­cial about leath­er that is craf­ted by a fine bag maker? You can find inform­a­tion about these kind of aspects under 'ARTISAN'.

About me:

Why do I write about these topics? Because I have always been fas­cin­ated by art, cul­ture and crafts­man­ship. As a men's tailor, my grand­moth­er taught me a lot about the unique­ness of her craft. In Amer­ica spend­ing time with my friend Lisa, an Amer­ic­an tex­tile artist, I was impressed by her work with nat­ur­al mater­i­als. The appre­ci­ation of nature and crafts­man­ship, the immer­sion in art & cul­tures of other coun­tries have been part of my life ever since.

My design stud­ies in Ger­many and London brought me to my first job as a design­er for cos­tumes & set design. A beau­ti­ful com­bin­a­tion of art, cul­ture and craft. Out of curi­os­ity, I then 'stumbled' into the male-dom­in­ated auto­mot­ive design field and found an excit­ing work­ing envir­on­ment there. In a design career span­ning over 25 years, I have lived and worked in the UK, the USA and Ger­many. In recent years, Japan and China and espe­cially South Korea have become a pro­fes­sion­al focus. Whenev­er pos­sible I have exper­i­enced cul­ture & nature on the ground. Who knows that South Koreans love hiking, have always pre­pared a 'super food' and were mas­ters of the art of gold­smith­ing?

Time and again at design fairs and other artist­ic events, I have met great women who are reviv­ing an old craft, giving new artist­ic impetus and filling their work with energy and pas­sion. In lively con­ver­sa­tions, I learned excit­ing things about their pro­fes­sions. In exchanges with my three grown-up sons and their girl­friends, I am exper­i­en­cing a renewed interest in art and crafts and an appre­ci­ation of nature.

Are these all topics that interest you too? Find inspir­ing paths and stor­ies from women on my blog. Wheth­er you're at the start of your career or simply want to immerse your­self in a dif­fer­ent cre­at­ive world. Dive in!

About the blog:

What arises if you com­bine art and crafts­man­ship? What kind of expert­ise is used by tal­en­ted women who find fas­cin­at­ing ways to create unique arts & craft pieces?  

Under 'STORIES' you can dis­cov­er their art and learn about their dif­fer­ent living and work­ing envir­on­ments. Some women have just taken the first step into self-employ­ment, others talk about their wishes and goals, for which there is no age limit. Be inspired!

käserei ziegenkäse Tischlerin wiasola interview

How import­ant is work­ing in and with nature and using nat­ur­al mater­i­als? How are unique nat­ur­al products cre­ated?

Under 'NATURE' we dis­cov­er the appre­ci­ation of nat­ur­al mater­i­als, the eco­lo­gic­al aspect and how to exper­i­ence nature with all your senses. These are import­ant aspects for women who not only create inspir­ing products, but also pro­duce valu­able food. Be informed!

How do I become a gold­smith?  Or what is spe­cial about leath­er that is craf­ted by a fine bag maker? You can find inform­a­tion about these kind of aspects under 'ARTISAN'.

About me:

Why do I write about these topics? Because I have always been fas­cin­ated by art, cul­ture and crafts­man­ship. As a men's tailor, my grand­moth­er taught me a lot about the unique­ness of her craft. In Amer­ica spend­ing time with my friend Lisa, an Amer­ic­an tex­tile artist, I was impressed by her work with nat­ur­al mater­i­als. The appre­ci­ation of nature and crafts­man­ship, the immer­sion in art & cul­tures of other coun­tries have been part of my life ever since.

My design stud­ies in Ger­many and London brought me to my first job as a design­er for cos­tumes & set design. A beau­ti­ful com­bin­a­tion of art, cul­ture and craft. Out of curi­os­ity, I then 'stumbled' into the male-dom­in­ated auto­mot­ive design field and found an excit­ing work­ing envir­on­ment there. In a design career span­ning over 25 years, I have lived and worked in the UK, the USA and Ger­many. In recent years, Japan and China and espe­cially South Korea have become a pro­fes­sion­al focus. Whenev­er pos­sible I have exper­i­enced cul­ture & nature on the ground. Who knows that South Koreans love hiking, have always pre­pared a 'super food' and were mas­ters of the art of gold­smith­ing?

Time and again at design fairs and other artist­ic events, I have met great women who are reviv­ing an old craft, giving new artist­ic impetus and filling their work with energy and pas­sion. In lively con­ver­sa­tions, I learned excit­ing things about their pro­fes­sions. In exchanges with my three grown-up sons and their girl­friends, I am exper­i­en­cing a renewed interest in art and crafts and an appre­ci­ation of nature.

Are these all topics that interest you too? Find inspir­ing paths and stor­ies from women on my blog. Wheth­er you're at the start of your career or simply want to immerse your­self in a dif­fer­ent cre­at­ive world. Dive in!