
This spe­cial leath­er was used for fine gloves. Since it had to be par­tic­u­larly soft and stretchy, it was usu­ally made from goat­skin. (glacé = French for shiny)

ALTERNATIVES to common indus­tri­al tan­ning+++

Leath­er can also be tanned using plants: with tan­nins from bark, leaves, peel or roots. For example, there is leath­er that is tanned with olive leaves, chest­nuts or the tan­ning agent from the rhu­barb root. Veget­able mater­i­als, some of which were already in use before indus­tri­al­iz­a­tion.

Leath­er as a pro­tect­ive mater­i­al!

Did you know that treated leath­er can become extremely stiff? Samurai armor and Afric­an shields were made of leath­er to pro­tect against arrow­heads and spears.

ALTERNATIVES to leath­er+++

There are new mater­i­als that show prop­er­ties sim­il­ar to leath­er, but are made from plant / organ­ic mater­i­als in con­junc­tion with a dif­fer­ent sub­strate. The 'Apple leath­er' uses the solid residues that remain after squeez­ing the juice from fruit and veget­ables. When dried, the leftovers are ground into a fine powder and pro­cessed fur­ther. A sim­il­ar prin­ciple is used with 'Wine Leath­er'. Pine­apple leaf fibers, parts of the Mex­ic­an nopal cactus, and mush­room leath­er are other altern­at­ives to using animal skin.

Leath­er as a mater­i­al...

Is very ver­sat­ile. By tan­ning untreated animal skins, the skin is pre­served. The prop­er­ties of the skin such as sup­ple­ness, elasti­city and water res­ist­ance are retained.


That foot­balls have not been made of leath­er for a long time. The industry uses faux leath­er because it is light­er and has dif­fer­ent flight char­ac­ter­ist­ics.

click for fur­ther Wiasola pages:

the STORY about Daniela Damm  - 'Fine Bag Maker'

+ 'Infos about the German Appren­tice system to become a 'Bag Maker' under ARTISAN 

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